Profile PictureJessica92

Copy Bounding Box

270 ratings
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Copy Bounding Box

270 ratings

This Tool is free - Price is just a recommendation :3

This little tool adds the possibility to copy a boundings from a SkinnedMeshRenderer to all objects within a GameObject Root (e.g. an Avatar)

Tool has it's own window. You can find it here: Tools -> JessysUnityTools > CopyBoundings

Bounding Box Generator

Starting Version 2.0 this tool also provides a generate function. It will generate an all containing Bounding Box based on already existing Bounding Boxes (children).

It can still break if you use any scaling (scale not 1) on your avatar - it checks upfront and asks you if you want to continue anyways, ignoring problematic gameobjects or cancel. We suggest to either create a custom Bounding Box in such cases or ignore scaled objects. If you go for ignored Objects: These Objects will not get a new Bounding at all.

Feel free to share or donate :3 If you have any requests or ideas to this or other unity tool you could need, especially for VRC - join my discords to request:

Elreen & Friends (You get Support here :3 and Avatar+World+UDON Support if you are a creator):
TerraTex / MrsJessica92 (Communitydiscord):

Please do not sell or share avatar packages containing this tool. Please refer this shop page instead to provide a link to newest version available.


2.0.0 Beta

  • Introduction of Bounding Box Generator in Context Menu
    See Bounding Box Generator above.


  • Fixed: The Script couldn't paste the bounding to disabled gameobjects. This is fixed now. (Seems it was an issue, which came from one of the unity updates)


  • added fix for window usage, not able to set source in window itself


  • Small fix for context paste to tree


  • Added option to change between copy to only one Gameobject and copy to whole tree
  • Added Context Menu to GameObject to copy boundings and paste them to any other or a childtree of a GameObject


  • Fix Error on VRCSDK Uploads


  • Initial Release
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